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Explain to them that a good PoI to ask is short and difficult to answer. Explain that a good PoI response is short and scores points for your side. 

Then describe the exercise below.



POI Barrage

Give each student a motion. Have them outline a very brief first prop or opp speech in about 7-8 minutes of prep. Then, have a student stand up and speak on this motion, but after one to one and a half minutes you pound the table and all in the room start offering points of information. The speaker MUST take all points from a variety of students. It is the responsibility of all students to pose points to the speaker. Your role is to be the audience, and make sure to be active. Point out things like: question too long, question too easy, answer too long, weak answer, answer not scoring points for their aide, etc. Feel free to interject these comments during the speech, but do not let others do so. Make speeches long enough so that you use all the time and everyone gets to speak. If they behave to speak for nine minutes taking points for eight of them, fine. It will make them stronger. You can also feel free to offer points, but try and model good practice and behavior.



Always make sure to maintain decorum, no flagging of points or inappropriate behavior.

Watch the time; calculate how long speeches can be before the first one is given based on the time left and how many students are in your group.

Interrogate With Excellence
Exercises in Points of Information



  • Develop strong PoI offering skills.

  • Develop strong PoI replying skills.

  • Make students search for arguments, and thus points to pose, on a variety of motions.

© 2014 by Za in proti. With the support of the European Union programme Youth in Action.

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