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Before the tournament


You should always have all registration files before the tournament; best would be at least two days in advance. This way you have time to enter all data more calmly  and there is less opportunity for mistakes. In this chapter we will first look at setting up your tournament and later on entering data.


Set up your tournament


Once you installed TRPC and formatted all files for the first time you are ready to set up everything.

Go to Format and then tournament setup options and choose Tournament name. Here you enter name, dates and place of your tournament. Under the specific formats section choose Asian Parliamentary if you want to run a WSDC style tournament. As you can see you can also choose three judges but as already said it does not work properly. Under divisions choose how many you want. Than go next setup. 




















In the second screen almost all is already set up as it should be. Under combine speakers names just check that is set on off. Go next.

Next set up is casual for the tournament. Here you set up how rounds should be paired. If you have a tournament with less than five rounds I recommend having only first one as random, if more than first two rounds. Use R for random pairing, L for high – low power pairing, H for high – high and N for no round.




















In the next setup you choose what you want to do in case of uneven brackets. I recommend that you left as it is (Pull teams up which have ….).


Now you come to tie the breaking system. Here software does not let you change a lot of thing. Most important it has speakers set on high-low points. If you have a small tournament with for example only three rounds you probably want total points to be first criteria. To do that, click Previous Setup button so many times that you get back to the tournament name section. Than choose normal tournament as format, click Next Setup button so many times that you get to the tie breaking system and now you can set it up as you want. Once you did that, go back to tournament name, choose Asian Parliamentary and go to the tie braking system. Everything should be as you set it up, but again you are not allowed to do much here. This is more or less only tricky part of setting up.


















After that you come to breaking to elimination round section. Here you just enter to which round you want to break teams in every division. Next one is more or less irrelevant for you. You can set time blocks, but I recommend leaving it as it is.


Sections from here on are more or less irrelevant. The only important one is judges’ placement, which you should leave at random or maybe choose ranking, but it will require some more work if you want to make this work.


Last part is about side determination for elimination rounds. Here just leave it on tradition method, for other methods just check manual.  And now you are set for data entry.


Data entry


For entering data to the system I recommend using Tabular data entry system. This way you can easily enter all data for school at the same time.

The system is more or less self-explanatory. You need to be careful when entering judges. Make sure that you enter number of rounds that one should judge. You enter this in the column next to the judges’ name. If you want to make a judge free in one or more rounds you indicate this in next column. Pressing enter after completing each column should put you in next relevant one.


When you enter teams this way, teams form the same school will be automatically blocked to each other.


There is also an alternative system of entering data to the system. It requires you to enter schools, teams and judges separately. I recommend entering schools first and than teams. Entering schools is easy, you just enter school name and click save.


Entering teams (contestants) can be more complicated. Once you entered a team name  and members you need to make sure that you assign school to team since this way team will be blocked to other teams from the same school. You can also mark teams with special needs, check box under Room Priority and TRPC will keep this team in Best Accessible room.  TRPC also give you way to block teams with other teams or schools. You enter this under Enter Blocks section, which you find under Entry icon.


If you decide to enter judges separately you do this under Enter Judges section. Make sure you enter judges school so he or she will not judges his or hers own teams (if he or she can judge all teams just leave school section empty). You also need to indicate how may rounds a judge will judge, you do this in the Prelim Rds For School box.  Additionally you can enter more blocks to judges under Judges Blocks section. Just find team or school you want to block judge with and click store.


Last thing you need to enter are rooms that you will be used during tournament. Go under Entry and than Enter Rooms. Enter room number and click save. You can also mark accessibility of the room. If you mark room as Best Access room, teams with room priority will be in that room.


Once you did all this you should be ready for the tournament. I recommend checking every thing again just to make sure that all teams and judges are in the system. The easiest way to do this is to print all data. To print teams you go under Forms and than choose Print Contestants for judges choose Print Judges.

At the tournament


The first thing that you would want to do when you arrive at the tournament should be checking if all registered teams and judges actually arrived. In the best case you can even find out that there are some additional judges. Just enter them in the system. If you find out that teams and/or judges canceled in the last minute just delete them from the system. Go back to Entry and than Enter Contestants or Judges and click delete.


Creating the rounds


Once you are sure all data is in the system as it should be go under Operate and Schedule Options. Choose Schedule Round Automatically.


You should see such a window:



















Check that you are scheduling round 1 and click Proceed. TRPC will give you a report on random scheduling. Just click Proceed till the end of process; normally you would not change any settings here. If you are interested in the any specific just click on help button that should give you much more detailed information that you may be interested in.


After the process is completed go under Display Schedule. From here you can change judges and rooms. You can also choose a different Bye team if applicable.


Changing judges


When round is created go to Operate and Display Schedule. In order to change a judge in debate click on a judge you want to change. New window will open and you will be able to change him or her. You should see something like this:



















You will most likely see judges in two columns. On left are judges that are not judging but would fit to this debate, on the right side you can see judges that would fit but are already judging. To place a different judge in a chosen debate click on a judge you want to place and click OK. Note that in case you choose someone who is already judging you also need to place a judge in that debate. TRPC will automatically open a judge placement window for this debate after you click OK in previous one.


Changing rooms


If you want to change a room TRPC does not give you an option to directly change rooms. You will need to create a dummy room and work with that. Make that room as the worse accessible one so that TRPC is less likely to use this room in the first place. Process from here on is pretty strait forward. Lets say you want to change rooms 1 and 2. Click on room 1 and change it with a dummy and click OK, now click on room 2 and change it with 1 and OK. Final step is to click on dummy and change it with 2. Same process goes for all changes.


Reversing sides in debate


TRPC has a tendency to put teams from same school on the same side in odd rounds. Reason for that is that it will have less clashes in the next round in which sides need to be reversed. Still there is an option to reverse sides. Just click on one of the teams in debate and than click reverse sides. If you cannot see the change click Main Menu button and than Display Schedule again.


Assigning Bye teams


It can happen sometimes that your tournament will have an odd number of teams. In that case one of teams will be “bye” which means that they will receive a win and average speakers points although they wil not debate.  In the first round that team is assigned randomly in power-paired rounds TRPC will use the lowest e.i. team with least wins and speakers points as a bye one. Team can be assigned as bye only once so it can happen that the software will take the next lowest team.


If for some reason you want to have a different team to assigned as bye what you need to do is to click on a team that is currently assigned as bye and than click Select a Different Bye Team. You will be able to choose only teams that are scheduled to debate on the government side. If you want a team that is currently on opposition just reverse sides in a debate that team is currently in and that make it as bye.


Entering results


When the round is over you should gather ballots as soon as possible. To start entering ballots go under Operate and than Enter Ballots. You should see this screen:




















To start entering points click on the judge that judged this round and screen will change in the way that you can see names of teams and speakers.























Once you enter all point you need to tell TRPC who won the debate. Press A for government or N for opposition. After that TRPC will show sum of speakers points so you can double check results. Than press enter and choose a next judge.


After you entered all the results you are ready to schedule the next round and to whole process again.


Double checking


During the next round you have time to double check results. TRPC gives you two options to do that. Firstly you can go under Cards and than choose Change Contestants Cards:


















Just search for the team you want to check and compare results with original ballots. If you find any mistake you can correct it right from that screen. Make sure that you save changes at the end.


Other way is to use the Enter Results screen again. In the top right corner you choose which round you want to check and than a enter team name in search box. You will get a screen with entered points again so you can check it. Again if you find any mistake you can correct it from here. At the end tell TRPC again who won the debate and press enter to save changes.


Elimination rounds


Once preliminary rounds are over TRPC gives you an option to also tab elimination rounds. If you prefer to do this manually follow only steps which explain how to print results.


Printing results


The first necessary step is to print contestants’ ranks after all preliminary rounds. Go to Results than Main Results Printouts and click Print Teams/ Contestants in Order. You should get the following window:




















Make sure that under the SET elim bracket you set it up to YES. You also need to write proceed into the box under YES. Than click Proceed Printing of Contestants in Order. At this point you should be thrown back to the main window and a printer should start printing results.


Setting elimination judges


Firstly you need to select pool of judges for elimination rounds. Go to Elim and than Select Pool of Judges for an Elim Time Block. Judges that are selected to judge appear in the blue writing and judges that are not selected in red. In order to change that just click on a judge and he/she will be un/selected.


Once you selected pool of judges you need to schedule them. Go to Elim and than Schedule Elim Judges. Next you need to select for which elimination round you want to place judges. After that you should see this screen:






















Use the Back and Forward buttons to choose a judge. When you find a judge you wanted select to which room you want to assign him or her. To do that click on a room number right from a judge name. If the room number is blue than a judge has not judge this two teams before, if it is green than the selected judge heart team before in competition. You also have an option to auto schedule judges. Select how many judges per room you want and than click Auto Schedule button (blue square on picture).


When you scheduled all judges TRPC gives you option to print schedule. In order to do that stay on the judges placement screen and click on Print Schedule.


Once you print schedule you will see Flip of Gov written next to one team in elim round. This indicates on which side teams should be. If teams have already met during the tournament TRPC will place them on opposite sides than they were on first time. In other case it will suggest coin flip for sides. Of course it is totally up to you if you go with this. I believe that method of switching side is only applicable if teams met on the same motion that they are suppose to debate in elim round.


Entering Elim results


To enter results from elimination rounds go to Elim and than choose Enter Elim Results. You should see a following screen:
























Make sure that you have a right team on side government and opposition. If it is different click Reverse Sides button between the team names. To start entering results click on a button left from judge to tell software that government won (button will turn green) or one on left side if opposition won (in this case button will turn red).


Once you entered all results TRPC will automatically schedule the next round and you will be able to start the whole process of assigning judges for next round again.

After the tournament


Congratulation you have successfully tabbed a debate tournament. How ever your job is probably not finished yet. As person with all data from the tournament it is time to distribute all the results, debate records, …


To print a speakers tab go to Results and than Print Speakers in Order. You will see that TRPC gives you two options: to print speakers or to show them on the screen. I would normally use the show on screen in case I am also the one who is printing awards for speakers. Otherwise just press Print Speakres in Order and you are done.


Printing a team tab is more or less the same. You already printed one copy when preparing elimination rounds. Simply repeat the process without resetting elim brackets.


TRPC also gives you an option to print elimination brackets and results. Go to Elim and than Elim Printouts and now choose if you want to print brackets or results. From here on process is the same as in previous cases.


Last thing you want to do is printing debate results. Go to Results and than Print Packet Results.

Under Results you can also see Print Judge or Side Distribution Report. The judges’ report will show you how consistent were judges with points to teams, what was their average points and similar information. Side distribution will tell you how many times governments won debates. It will give you information for each round separately and for the whole tournament.


At this point you done more or less everything there is to do as the tab master of WSDC style debate tournament. From here on we will take a look on how to tab Karl Popper style and how we dealt with situation when a tournament had five speakers teams and there were three judges per debate (example of Heart of Europe 2012 and 2013)

Tabbulating debate tournament

Using TRPC

© 2014 by Za in proti. With the support of the European Union programme Youth in Action.

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