Here is the manual for the Middle School Debate Format being used in Slovakia. It brings the presentation of the format, some exercises and lessons plans which can be used at debate clubs meetings.
Structure of debate In this section the general information about debate format will be explained.
Roles of the speakers
Every speaker should fulfil a different role in a debate in order to be successful.
First affirmative speaker (A1) – role of the first affirmative speaker is to present his arguments in the beginning of debate. Bringing new arguments by the affirmative team is only possible in this speech.
First negative speaker (N1) – principal role of the first negative speaker is to present rebuttal of arguments brought by A1. The constructive argumentation line of negative team is also necessary and should be explained in N1 speech.
Second affirmative speaker (A2) – speaker must not bring new arguments for the affirmative side, his role is to develop the already presented argumentation further and address the objections of negative side. Speaker should also present a rebuttal of negative team’s arguments.
Second negative speaker (N2) – similar to A2, new arguments cannot be brought by this speaker. His role is to defend the arguments of negative team and develop them further. Speaker should present rebuttal to A2 speech.
First affirmative speaker’s reply speech (A1R) – role of the speaker in this speech is to summarise and close the whole debate. No new information can enter the debate at this point.
Basic team roles
Main role of affirmative team is to defend the motion.
Affirmative team must present (even if only implicitly) their understanding of the motion in the first affirmative speech.
Affirmative team must present their arguments in support of the motion in the first affirmative speech.
Negative team must declare (even if only implicitly) if they accept the affirmative team’s understanding of the motion in the first negative speech.
Main role of the negative team is to refute the affirmative team’s arguments.
Negative team must present their standpoint towards affirmative team’s argumentation line. If affirmative team fulfilled their role, negative team should disagree with the motion.
During the cross examination the questions are given by both speakers.
Structure of a debate
The speeches and their time allocation is following:
One of the important conditions for good debate is well chosen motion. Motion should be controversial and balanced for both sides. The basic characteristics of good motion are following
Motion for debate is a clearly formulated and controversial statement. Both sides of the motion should not require argumentation against the common sense and human rights.
Motion should be formulated in a way clearly stating the scope of a debate. The affirmative team’s position should be predictable.
Motion should be given in a way that doesn’t require additional definitions made by team. In case of a motion stated in such way being too long it is possible to give a short explanation of a motion.
Motions should be adequate to the age of debaters.
Functioning of debate club - schedule
First meeting
getting to know each other
Content of meeting:
First introduction of teacher
Introduction of pupils
Icebreaker games
Explanation of how debate club functions
Communication skills
Creation of mental map of pupil’s communication situations
Content of meeting:
Motivational talk about communication (what it is, its importance, why is it important, your attitude towards it)
Activity – creation of mental map of communication situations
Analysis of the activity – emphasis given on importance and role of communication and communication skills
Summary of the meeting
Communication practice
understanding of basic principles affecting interpersonal communication
Content of meeting:
Explanation of roots of misunderstandings
Activity – Copy of drawing
Aim: creating the most truthful copy of a picture from given instructions in the shortest time
Create groups of 3 pupils. Each of them has a different role – Owner, Drawer and Runner.
Owner owns the original image and communicates only with Runner. He can explain the image using only words.
Runner is a mediator between Owner and Drawer and his role is to transfer the instructions the most truthfully. He can use nonverbal communication with Drawer.
Drawer’s role is to draw an image based on the instructions received.
Owners should be located out of Drawer’s line of sight and prevented from communication with Drawers.
Analysis of the activity – skills needed to convey the message in the most truthful manner, explanation of its significance for debate.
Summary of the meeting
Aim: learning of basic conversational techniques
Content of meeting:
Explanation of basic conversation principles and practical example
Giving free information
Giving some personal information
Activities – make pairs of pupils and let them simulate a random situation. Use the techniques mentioned above.
Analysis of activity
learning of techniques for giving and accepting criticism
Content of meeting:
Techniques of giving constructive criticism, how to accept criticism
Activity – Criticism
Group students into pairs. Give them a few model situations in which one of the pair would criticise the other. The situations should be appropriate for the children of their age – eg. two classmate arguing about borrowed notebook which was returned torn, stained etc. Let the pairs play the situations in front of the whole debate club.
Analysis of activity
learning how to work in team
Content of meeting:
Motivational talk about teamwork
Activity – Tower of Babylon
Make groups of 4 students. Each group should be given 30 A4 papers, 1 meter of tape, permanent markers and tennis ball
The goal is to build the highest tower. The tower must be able to support a tennis ball on its top for at least 10 seconds and the tower should be ornamented with same pattern
The activity should have two parts
In first part the tower should be designed, resources should be allotted and the design of pattern should be resolved. The building of tower cannot be started if group does not have a plan and the goal (height of the tower)
In the second part the actual building of tower can begin.
The activity should be 30 minutes long. After that, the winner is the one who has the highest tower which can support the ball for 10 seconds.
Analysis of activity – emphasis given on basic characteristics of team work
Negotiation and discussion
learning of how to agree on a common procedure
Content of meeting:
Motivational talk about importance of making common decisions (those, which can all agree on)
Activity – Negotiation
Group students into pairs. Give each group a task that require making a common decision (date of school trip, etc.)
10 minutes should be given for this task. After that, ask them to make groups of 4 and repeat the task in these new groups. Repeat each time with doubling the number of students in groups.
Goal is to reach one final decision.
Analysis of activity
Presentation I,II
knowledge of basic principles of preparing a presentation, practice of presentational skills
Content of the meetings:
Principles of making a presentation
Finding sources, time management, understanding of the content of presentation, structure of presentation
Giving an assignment
Each student should have a topic for presentation which require research at home
In the next meeting the presentations should be presented by students
Analysis of students’ performance
explaining one’s statements
Content of meeting:
Activity – Line
Prepare 3-4 controversial statements which are dealing with a subject you are dealing with (eg. Free speech should be limited.)
Draw a chalk line on the floor. By standing on the right side of the chalk you agree with the statement, by standing on the left side you disagree with the statement. The further you stand from the line the strong the agreement or disagreement is. Read the first statement. Ask students to stand according to their belief. Let them explain why they did so. Ask again if anybody wants to change where they stand. If they do, let them explain the reason why.
Analysis of activity
develop more competences at explaining one’s thoughts
Content of the meeting
Explanation of what brainstorm is and its importance in debate
Activity – Sticky notes
Give a whole group of students random motion. Let the students to write their ideas on sticky notes and then stick it to the wall. Give them 10 minutes to do so. After that, let the students to read those notes and group the similar ideas or add new.
Activity – Defense of words
Give one random word (tree, mobile phone, etc.) to a student and let him talk about this word for 1 minute without preparation. Repeat the exercise with another student and different words.
After that, talk about the words with students – make a brainstorm with them about the words they should explain.
Give each student the same word and let them speak for another minute about it. Analyze progress of each student.
Creating arguments I,II
develop argumentation skills
Content of meeting:
Explanation of how argument should look like – only the first three parts of arguments (statement, explanation, evidence) is taught on this level
Analysis of some prepared arguments – the arguments should be appropriate to the age of students
Small improvised debate – don’t explain them the structure of debate and role of speakers at this point. Only important thing is the quality of argumentation. Give them approx. 10 minutes for preparation.
Role of speakers
explanation of structure of debate
Content of the meeting
Roles of speakers
Team roles
Structure of debate
Several motions we deem to be appropriate:
It is better to be a teacher than student.
Everybody should take religious studies at school.
Parents should not punish their kids with beating.
Pet is good gift for a child.
Children labor should be prohibited world widely.
It is better to be in Slytherin than in Gryffindor.
More important than win is to participate.
Overuse of facebook is harmful to children.
Computers are harmful to today’s youth.
Children should not do professional sports.
Hip-hop is better than pop.
Check also:
Other debate formats
Worlds University Debate Format, called also British Parliamentary Format